Leistungen frü Asset Manager

Asset Managers

Service for Asset Manager by Convexity

What do we do for you?

We are not the typical “third party marketeer” but are your outsourced local sales and marketing people. View us as the sales and marketing division farmed out to people who know their markets well and definitely better than you do.
For a fraction of the cost of your own setup in the German or Austrian markets we present you with and sort out the challenges of the institutional markets in those countries. We provide you with the market knowhow needed to become successful in these markets which everybody who ever attempted to succeed here would best describe as “challenging”.

Longterm gains are made by Convexity.

We fit the bill : you run the money and we provide the market. That way we both do what is complimentary to our skills.
Building Bridges – even before the country is flooded

we build your bridges to exciting German speaking investors – “exciting” you said ? Yes, they all are despite of what you learned so far. You just have to know what to do with them and how. We build those bridges for managers who dont want to set up their own presence and those who shouldn’t. Yes, we admit : it’s tempting to hire a bunch of guys, rent an office and then 3 months later start counting the money. But beware – there won’t be any to count…

Better Risk Profile in a tough Market

Yes, we provide solutions. If you are a great manager and a smart cookie you will enjoy working with us.

What to we bring to the table ?

Honesty. Empty promises are being delivered elsewhere. Here you are treated by the best. Don’t expect wonders. Once we agree to work with you, then the work starts.

What do we expect from you ?

Continuity, clarity, commitment and conistency. If Germany is just one of your many target markets and you take the opportunistic view and don’t give a … where your money is coming from, you better stay where you are. Come and talk if Germany is of strategic importance for you. And you need patience. We know, that is tough. But we better tell you know rather than later. Germany can be a fabulous market for those managers who proved their endurance. Come and join.

You should also like Germans. Contrary to widespread belief they do have a sense of humour and are fun to work with. Germany is more than the nightlife in Berlin….